
Across the country, thousands of trained NAMI volunteers along with Staff bring peer-led programs to a wide variety of community settings, from churches to schools to NAMI Affiliates. With the unique understanding of people with lived experience, these programs and support groups provide outstanding evidence-based support.

NAMI MCH Support Groups encourage empathy, promote hope and support emotional healing through guided and productive discussions with a sense of community trust and empowerment. Share experiences in a safe, protected, compassionate and stigma-free environment.

Click on any of the services below to get schedules and registration links.

Important Notice

NAMI programs should not be used to replace the specialized training or clinical mental health providers. They are complimentary to, but not substitutes for, clinical or medical assistance. We cannot, and do not, assume the role of a physician or therapist. Self-care information, and family and peer support are valuable assets in working through the many challenges faced by individuals and families who have been touched by serious mental illness. NAMI cannot be held responsible for the use of the information we provide. Please always consult a trained mental health provider before making any decision regarding treatment of yourself or others.

For Individuals

Direct Support

Recovery Support

Professional guidance to assist in building skills needed to improve well-being and increase quality of life. Provided by a NAMI-MC Recovery Support Specialist for individuals living with a mental health condition. *This service is non-clinical and does not replace therapy or counseling.

Is One on One Support the same thing as therapy?

No, One-on-One Support is offered by someone who has experienced or is supporting a loved one with mental health and/or substance use challenges and has been able to recover and live a fulfilling life. Recovery Support Specialists and Family Advocates have “walked the walk.” Therapy is provided by other professionals like psychologists and psychiatrists. One on One Sessions at NAMI McHenry County are offered at no cost.

How can a Recovery Support Specialist help me?

  • Model recovery, self-advocacy and independence

  • Encourage & motivate progress in recovery

  • Connect people to community and natural supports

  • Guidance through Mental Health local service & systems advocacy

  • Help achieve their personal recovery goals by promoting self-determination, personal responsibility, and the empowerment essential to self-directed recovery.

  • Empower self-awareness and personal responsibility

  • Inspire people to find meaning and purpose in life

What is the cost?

  • Provided at no cost to you.

Where is the service provided?

  • NAMI Office (620 Dakota St, Crystal Lake)

NAMI Connection

Support Group for Individuals

NAMI Connection is a weekly support group, at no cost to you, where individuals with a mental health diagnosis can share experiences in a safe, confidential setting. NAMI-trained peer facilitators guide groups using a structured model to ensure all have the opportunity to be heard, supported, and encouraged without judgment. The group encourages empathy, productive discussion ,and a sense of community.

How are Connection Recovery Support Groups structured?

  • 90-minute meetings.

  • Led by NAMI-trained individuals who are in recovery. They understand your challenges and can offer you encouragement and support.

What is the cost?

  • Provided at no cost to you.

Where is the service provided?

Connection Support Groups are held at the NAMI of McHenry County Office (620 Dakota St, Crystal Lake)

Support Group Schedule:

  • General Connections Support Groups are held Monday & Wednesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:30 PM (ages 18+)

  • “Next Steps” Support Group is held on the first Friday of the month from 6:00 – 7:30 PM (18+)

  • “Mood Disorder” Support Group is held on the third Friday of the month from 6:00 – 7:30 PM (18+)

  • “LGBTQ Community Members” Support Group is held on the fourth Friday of the month from 6:00 – 7:30 PM (18+)

To sign up for the support group, please fill out our intake form. A Recovery Support Specialist will call to learn more about you and share more information about our support groups.

For The Family

Family Advocate

Professional guidance to assist in building skills needed to improve well-being and increase quality of life. Provided by a NAMI-MC Family Advocate for individuals living with a mental health condition. *This service is non-clinical and does not replace therapy or counseling.

Does the Family Advocate provide therapy?

No, the Family Advocate is someone who has experienced or is supporting a loved one with mental health and/or substance use challenges and has been able to recover and live a fulfilling life. Family Advocates have “walked the walk.” Therapy is provided by other professionals like psychologists and psychiatrists.

How can a Family Advocate help me?

  • Offer family members safety planning, talk support, and mental health education about their loved one

  • Inform & connect families and individuals to local resources

  • Submit mental health alert forms and record retrieval releases

  • Provide Financial Assistance Forms from local townships and treatment centers

  • Educate family members of their access rights & help navigate through mental health systems

What is the cost?

  • Provided at no cost to you.

Where is the service provided?

  • NAMI Office (620 Dakota St, Crystal Lake)


Family Support Group

Who is it for?

Family Support Group is for adult family members and friends who have a loved one with mental illness. NAMI trained certified facilitators provide peer support in a confidential, supportive setting where information, education, and experiences are shared.

What is it?

Together we deal with the impact that mental illness has made on the lives of our loved ones, as we slowly acknowledge the impact that mental illness has had on our own lives as individuals, couples, parents, siblings and friends. Attending Family Support Group gives us an opportunity to develop an understanding of what role we can actually be effective in, while our loved ones navigate their personal journey of recovery.

Through Group Wisdom, we gradually learn new ways to communicate, develop coping skills, self-care strategies, break the barriers of stigma, overcome denial, and find solutions through the experiences of other participants enduring the same journey.

What is the cost?

  • Provided at no cost to you.

Where is the service provided?

  • NAMI Offices (620 Dakota St, Crystal Lake).
    Conference Rooms B&C
    Enter at the east door and ring the doorbell.

Family Support Group schedule:

  • Family Support Group is held weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:30 PM

  • “LGBTQ Family and Friends” is held on the second Friday of the month from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm.

To sign up for support group, please fill out our intake form. A Recovery Support Specialist will call to learn more about you and share more information about our support groups.

Educational Classes

  • Peer-to-Peer

    What is NAMI Peer-to-Peer?

    An 8-session evidence-based educational program for adults with mental health conditions who are looking to better understand themselves and their recovery. Provided at NO cost, the program is taught by trained leaders with lived experience, this program includes activities, discussions, and informative videos.  The course provides an opportunity for mutual support and growth. Experience compassion and understanding from people who relate to your experiences. This is a place to learn more about recovery in an accepting environment.

    What is the cost?

    Provided at no cost to you.

  • Family-to-Family

    What is NAMI Family-to-Family?

    An 8-session course for family, partners, friends, and significant others of people living with mental illness. Provided at NO cost, the program is taught by trained teachers who are also family members and know what it is like to have a loved one living with a mental health condition. The course includes information on illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, and other mental health conditions. It is designed to help Adult family members understand and support their loved one living with mental illness while learning to maintain their well-being.

    What is the cost?

    Provided at no cost to you.

Upcoming Workshops

Have more questions about support services? Please email