There is hope.
You are not alone! We provide an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding of what you confront when you, or someone you love, has a mental illness. We hope that you will join us for one of the many opportunities we offer.
NAMI McHenry County’s mission is to give our community a safe place to find hope and support on the journey to improve mental health
Start here.
Which of these sounds right?
I need help for myself.
I need help supporting someone I know.
(Could be a loved one/friend/co-worker/client etc.)
Education and Training
What We Do
NAMI McHenry County provides free mental health services. All Support, Education, and Advocacy services are provided by trained individuals from all walks of life. Everyone at NAMI McHenry County (MCH) has direct lived experience with mental illness.
Our programs provide 1:1 peer support, support groups, and skill-building workshops for individuals and families dealing with mental illness, all from staff with the unique understanding of lived experience.
NAMI offers a wide range of evidence-based educational opportunities for those suffering from mental illness, their friends and families, and their communities. You can register for classes at no cost, or get access to more information and resources.
It is critical that we have strong advocacy for persons with mental illness and their families. This not only involves raising community awareness but also bringing those needs to the attention of policy makers, service providers and medical staff.
Special Events
Join us on Friday, May 9 for our annual Sunset Gala. This exclusive event will be held from 5:00pm - 9:00pm at the Crystal Lake Country Club (721 Country Club Rd, Crystal Lake) and will include appetizers, cocktails (cash bar), dinner, silent auction, and a short program, where we will honor this year's Vision of Hope Awardees (to be announced!). Tickets are $75 each or $750 for a table of 10. Don't wait, as this event was completely SOLD OUT last year!